Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Reactions

Today is the birthday... of my Reactions. Quite behind the 'virtual' trends of recent times, I decided at last to make the move and start my blog journal. I hope it to become a good outlet: I really feel this need oftentimes to speak out on various issues, problems, events, incidents, sometimes even persons. I hope my occasional readers will find my entries of humble interest, stimulating some of their own afterthoughts, and not feel like they just wasted another few minutes in vain. But no guarantees, friends, alas.

Why reactions? All we say or think or argue is more or less certainly reaction to something or someone. It would probably be inaccurate, to put it mildly, to claim that some thought or action is purely pro-active (as in "first/originary action"). Moreover, there is an intellectual, epistemological value to the awareness about the intrinsic reactivity of most of our thoughts and arguments, because by admitting this one makes a more fundamental admission or claim: that all (or nearly all) human knowledge is in fact a long and highly complicated chain of reactions. 'Nearly all' is perhaps well-advised, because sometimes some or other of these chains of reactions break, and then we witness something truly unprecedented. For the most part, however, we do function within such continuities of reactions, and that is probably the better.

Lastly, there is a certain negative connotation that gets attached in our minds to the word reaction and its generics: reactive, reactionary... As in: "...he is only able to react, he cannot come up with anything his own, original." To which I say, "re-read the previous paragraph", and add more: if we were all after our "own", "original", "totally new" and "first", we would probably have gone mad in frustration, or something worse. Thankfully, in most of what we do best, we are acting reactively. And let our critical reactions lead the way to better reactions still.

Most finally, I should promise myself that this is the last time I write these kinds of not-so-clear entries, and speak about real things. The scope of such real things, as I envision, would be generally broad within the loosely delimited theme of "social-political", but perhaps featuring what pertains to Kyrgyzstan more often than others.

This all said, let me click on "post it" button to post my first entry. Cheers:)

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